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Veganizing “Friends”: Monica’s Kiwi Lime Pie



     Ooh we’re finally making the famous kiwi lime pie! I know you kids are excited. As you will recall, in “The One With The Baby On The Bus”, Monica whipped up a lovely pie, and shared it with Chandler, Joey, and Ross. But after a few bites, Ross’s tongue started to swell up and he realized the delicious pie was trying to kill him: 

Ross: Unnhh, unnnh, unnnnnhh.

Joey: You okay, Ross?

Ross: I don’t know. Unhhhh. What’s in this pie?

Monica: Oh, I don’t know, butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi…

Ross: Kiwi? Kiwi?? You said it was a key lime pie.

Monica: No I didn’t, I said kiwi lime. That’s what makes it so special.

Ross: That’s what’s going to kill me. 

      Poor Ross! (Though his mangled final words are pretty damn hilarious.) So, we’re going to make kiwi lime pie! We’re going to use kiwi and lime and flour but of course not butter or eggs. Actually…we may not even use flour. It’s going to be as delicious as Monica’s but hopefully not as poisonous for any of you. Deal? 
      I’m going to start with a basic key lime pie, and then I’ll mix chopped fresh kiwi into the batter. Remember: If you are allergic to kiwi, leave it out. Don’t eat it. Relax. Don’t do it. 
I mean, of course I’m using speculoos cookies, but you can use any graham crackers for the crust. 

  • 7oz speculoos or graham cookies, processed into a powder
  • 5T vegan butter (I used half butter half coconut butter)
  • dash of almond milk


  1. Mix the ingredients together with your fingers and press into a pie dish
  2. Bake at 375° for 15 minutes
  3. Let cool on countertop

                 KIWI LIME PIE

  • 1C unsweetened almond milk
  • 4oz. MimicCreme (if you don’t have it, use more almond milk and then switch to full-fat coconut milk below)
  • 2T cornstarch
  • 2t agar powder
  • 1 can light coconut milk
  • 1/2C lime juice
  • 1/3C sugar
  • 5T agave or coconut nectar, or maple syrup
  • 1T coconut oil
  • 2t vanilla extract 
  • 1C fresh kiwi, chopped small (I used 3 kiwis)


All our ingredients


“It’s hard to believe that just a little while ago this was nothing but ingredients”

  1. Mix together the almond milk, MimicCreme, cornstarch, and agar in a saucepan
  2. Bring to a boil, and keep stirring for several minutes. It should get very thick
  3. After no more than 7 minutes, add the coconut milk, sugar, coconut oil, agave, lime juice, and vanilla
  4. Stir for about 10-15 minutes
  5. Remove saucepan from heat, and let cool and thicken for a bit, until it is not boiling hot
  6. Drop the kiwi into the saucepan, and stir through
  7. Pour into the pie dish, and refrigerate for several hours, or overnight
  8. It makes a lot of filling so if you have an extra large pie dish, it’s a good time to use it


Told you it made a lot! Overflow! (Almost)
    This came out very nicely! It’s pretty delicious, and would be even better with whipped cream on top. Sadly, I don’t have any, but one day…one day. Enjoy! 


Pac-Man Pie!!!! An homage to Chandler’s Ms. Pac-Man machine, perhaps?
Giveaway Trivia!!

  1. How does Ross get through the allergy shot? 
  2. In this episode’s main story, Chandler & Joey leave Ben on the bus (!!) and have to pick him up at Human Services. The two idiots have to decide between two similar-looking babies, wearing onesies featuring what designs? 
  3. In Phoebe’s storyline, she protests outside Central Perk for what reason?
  4. When Phoebe is playing outside, a stranger drops a condom in her guitar case. Who does that stranger turn out to be? 
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