Anyway anyway, the supermarket in Irkutsk that we went to had more carrot and yuba (tofu skin) salad, so I got some of that for the next day. Soo yummy. I’m sad I won’t find any more of that for a while. We stocked up on some beans, bread, and peanut butter (yassss finally) and of course waters before searching for a dinner place, kind of early so we could go the hell to sleep. We looked around at a few lackluster menus before deciding on an Italian place called Prego (Prego mille!). We actually weren’t looking for a change from Russian food, but for such a small boring city it was weirdly international and it was super hard to find just a Russian restaurant. In a 20 minute review of the main street, we found a Belgian place, a Japanese, a Chinese, another Japanese, two Italian, an Indian restaurant, 18 ice cream carts, 4 coffee shops, 3 Subways (they’re everywhere, still don’t want it), and one Russian cafeteria that looked suuuper dodgy. At Prego, they had a decent looking green salad (with lettuce! not just cucumber and tomato – though of course they were in it too), and a very good little plate of eggplant caponata. The best part was that the salad came on big pieces of flatbread, lol. My favorite combo!