Comments on: I LOVE CONTENT! All the Thoughts/Things/Theatre I’ve Been Having/Doing/Watching like aphrodisiac, but better Tue, 09 Nov 2021 21:49:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Randi Sun, 24 May 2020 13:51:46 +0000 In reply to Cadry.

Thanks Cadry! & I really appreciate your thoughts on the entitlement since it was your excellent piece that made me recognize that I was guilty of being impatient with recipe blogs too. It all stems from the same problem I think! & thanks again for the Frankenstein info. LOVED JLM.

By: Cadry Sat, 23 May 2020 21:27:50 +0000 Thank you for sharing your experience with COVID. I’ve been gathering bits and pieces of what you experienced from your socials, but it’s interesting to read it all here in one spot. You’re right that it’s scary your weeks long illness and hospital trip (!) would likely be considered a “mild” case. I think the “mild” misnomer makes people who are already dubious about the seriousness of this underestimate the experience. The U.S. government and my state government have really let us down. Currently our only option is to stay home… which would be a lot more effective if other people were too. (Our state was one of the few that never had an official stay at home policy.)

Also, what a good point around the entitlement of content – whether it’s expecting journalism to be free, all theatre to be free & available online, or recipe creators to “just get to the recipe.” People have lots of demands for things they aren’t buying.

So glad you enjoyed Frankenstein!

By: Cheryl Sat, 23 May 2020 00:26:52 +0000 I was mesmerized and as a little girl I am glad it had an impact on you. I loved Bandstand... great story great music 🎼 I missed your blogs Missed your writing Keep in writing Book in the future?]]> Johnny Lee Miller was Frankenstein? I love him!!
I remember watching Mandy as George Seurat-Sunday in the Park wow 😳 I was mesmerized and as a little girl I am glad it had an impact on you.
I loved Bandstand… great story great music 🎼
I missed your blogs
Missed your writing
Keep in writing
Book in the future?
