Happy Hanukkah continued! What a great holiday! Yesterday, I promised to share more posts about frying random foods, because Hannukah is about oil and what not. Mac & cheese was mentioned, and I’m not one to go back on my word. Well, I fried mac & cheese today. I’m going to tell you how to do it, but I’m not sure whether I recommend you actually follow suit. It was weird. Some of you may have been lucky enough to try the fried mac & cheese burger at Portland’s White Owl Social Club before it left the menu, but I was silly and I ordered something else the one time I was there. Some people said a fried ball of vegan mac & cheese was amazing. Some said it was disgusting. I set out to see for myself.
Well, I tried to make it into balls. I know now why every non-vegan recipe for deep-fried mac & cheese relies on egg mixed into the macaroni. Pasta balls really like falling apart! It turned into more of a patty, even though I mashed the pasta up pretty well. I’m sure it still tastes the same. That taste, by the way, is tempura skin. I guess that is just ‘fried’. Every time I have fried food, I remember that I don’t really like it. And then I forget and try again like 12 hours later, apparently. Someone remind me next time that I don’t like fried food. Anyway, here are some ‘instructions’.
Fried Mac & Cheese
If you figure out a way to get the pasta to stay together better that isn’t real egg or flax egg (that would not taste good), let me know please. I didn’t have the will to try again. Too much frying.